Investing in you
We spend an average of 29 hours consulting with nonprofits before events. We don't show up 15 minutes before an event and ask what we're raising money for. We will know your event inside and out.
Becoming part of your team
We work with all stakeholders including staff, committees and boards to create successful events. Our job is to make you more money with less effort on your part.
Sharing knowledge
The nonprofits we work with gain wisdom and ideas from the several hundred professional benefit auctioneers in our network and the 100+ clients we work with each year.
Sharing data
We believe in data. You make many decisions based on data; so do we. In fact, our donor data strategy helps you long after your event is over.
Do our values align?
We get out of bed every day to make nonprofits more money so you can better our world. Our team volunteers with our nonprofits to better understand their culture and mission, because ultimately, we value you, too. What you do matters and we want to help you work smarter, not harder.