Here are some problems I’ve solved for consulting clients:
“How do we get auction items that people actually want to bid on?”
“Our committee has different ideas on how to accomplish X. What do others do?”
“We’ve got an auctioneer, but we need help selecting live items and ordering them.”
“It’s our first Fund a Need. How can we execute this flawlessly?”
“We can’t decide between using software vendor X, Y, or Z. What’s your take?”
“How do we decide on if we should use consignment items/trips?”
“We’re already doing A, B, and C. How else can we drive revenue?”
“We want to build a sponsorship program. Can you help?”
“Our online auction revenue has plummeted. What’s our problem?”
After asking some pointed questions, I will guide you with specific solutions that will meet your goals.
Consulting is all about saving you time and making you more money.
You invest a lot of hours into your event, sacrificing weekends, nights and your family and you owe it to yourself to do it right. You have one night and a missed opportunity means waiting a whole year before raising much needed funds.
Let’s run your auction right, right now.
Three packages are offered to meet your budget and needs: 1.5 hour, 2.5 hours, and 4 hours.