Go ahead, brag on yourself
Tip 6. Show gratitude all year. This one takes a bit more organization through the year, but boy does it pay dividends. Did your event in October raise money for playground improvements? Follow up again in April when they are done! Include pictures of the new swings, jungle gym, and fun new equipment they generously donated to with a note that their gift made the new playground possible. Donors love to see their gifts in action, and knowing your organization stayed committed to the cause they donated to will have them excited to come back again the next year.
Tip 7. Offer more information to stay up-to-date. Remember, donors might want a break from donation requests, but they do want to know how your organization is continuing to help their community. In your thank yous share what you have accomplished and what is on the horizon – “Your generosity helped us add this great new equipment. Next we are updating the gym – watch our progress here!” Seeing your successes and your next projects reminds them that your organization is always doing meaningful work.
Post by: Spencer Elkinton, professional auctioneer, bid assistant, and all around amazing human