Your Board and Fundraising
As a nonprofit, fundraising is a major component of your organization’s operations and development. To ensure successful fundraising, board members must be properly motivated to help out. Here are three methods to motivate board members to help with fundraising:
1. Set Clear Goals and Expectations: Before approaching board members for help with fundraising, it’s important to make sure they are clear on what is expected of them and what the goals are. Setting clear goals and expectations will help ensure that board members are motivated to contribute.
2. Provide Resources: Providing board members with the necessary resources can make fundraising a much easier task. From educational materials to templates, having the right resources will make it easier for board members to understand and execute the fundraising process.
3. Utilize Technology: Incorporating technology into your fundraising efforts can help board members stay organized and motivated. Platforms such as crowdfunding or online fundraising can make it much easier to track progress and keep board members updated on what’s happening. Additionally, utilizing social media to spread the word about your fundraising efforts can help board members get the word out and generate more excitement about the cause.
By utilizing these three methods, you can ensure that your board members are motivated and invested in your fundraising efforts. With the right resources, goals, and technology, your organization will be well on its way to successful fundraising.